My Cher-lynn
We are in a dense part of the woods,
where shadows can linger
as long as they please,
or their work is done …
there is so much of Source here,
they must protect a bit.
Cher-lynn bats her eyes thrice –
a signal she wishes to speak.
“papa, why haven’t you posted
a heart map like the others?”
“that is why, I guess.”
“Well, I appreciate that,
‘everyone’s doing it’ is not a reason,
but we have discussed so much of ‘heart’
and soul and open hand …”
“If they wished to walk with us,
they would, little one …
but tell me, what would you say?”
“I’d tell ‘em how you can’t map a heart,
really -- since the concept of heart
is only a physical representation
of the soul’s balance ‘tween’
spirit an humanity. It is
ever changing, I mean –
and a map implies
bounds and means.”
I pluck an apple
from just beyond her reach,
which spiritually means
another universe
“I’ve seen you standing there,
firm stance by staff and will
in the road –
with open hand extended,
heart upon your sleeve,
eternity in your eyes –
and whistled song.
Why would anyone need a map?”
Me? I don’t say nuthin –
nuthin at all!
And if you're not going there, why do you want to know where it is? Oh faucon, you are truly one of the travelling people :-)
True, everything changes by the moment, including the map. Oh la!
Where the other universe? no map on hand but each day brings some sense of things to come.
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