Traveling Companions
Traveling Companions
I have encountered another traveler on the road and have been invited to a fine lunch and good conversation.
However, even with this wonderful company, I must pause and consider how we travel down the road of our creative life. It IS a lonely life, even if you do have traveling companions. When I consider all the awkward, silent moments from friends and family when I share something I've written or rendered, or when I hear those ever-welcome comments: "what's that supposed to be?" or "that's....interesting" or some have even rolled their eyes and smirked (thinking I don't see them), then I realize how really alone I am.
There is some salvation from the group of travelers on this road in their encouraging words and gentle promptings toward discipline. Because of these good souls, I feel a little less lonely.
BUT, ultimately, even with this company, we cannot change the fact that we must CREATE alone. No one sees the world with my eyes, no one can craft my story but me. So the secret is not to confuse being alone in our creative calling with being lonely.
Seek out the kindred spirits when you can to stave off the demons of loneliness, but if need be, be prepared to go it alone.
Lori Gloyd (c) May 16, 2006
Oh, I don't mind the honest critique (this part is great, but maybe you need to shore up this part and this word is spelled wrong). No I'm talking about when family and friends don't make the attempt to even understand the work. I think obvious silence is the worst response of all.
It is wise to determine, very early, whose opinion you value. It is a glorious moment when your heart tells you that your work is utterly authentic. Having said that there is nothing quite like being with companions - kindred spirits such as the ones gathered here.
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