Le Enchanteur thinks she is a Buccaneer

Here we are, struggling along the Serpentine Road while le Enchanteur plays at being a bold buccaneer over at Dead Man's Chest. Honestly! I wish she would concentrate and make herself useful instead of leaving me to do everything.
Who wouldn't fancy being a buccanneer? The swashbuckling! The treasure! The open-ended adventure! Maybe I can talk Roselea the donkey into at least wearing a pirate hat.
How fabulous:-)
I think Heather just wants to hook up with Johnny Depp (get it--Hook-up-- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
Hey, you try to be witty and articulate at 8:15 in the morning...
I should be so lucky as to have the very swashbuckling Johnny Depp show up Lori.
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