Going somewhere, somehow

I think donkeys have character. Much more so that a horse anyway, which is what my not-on-this-travel husband dear prefers. I think donkeys are smart and funny and have personalities.
I am merrily bouncing along on my donkey, mostly in circles because neither Roselea (the donkey) or I am used to having someone else to work with. It's kind of like that three-legged race game. First you have to learn to move together, then you can move forward.
She is wearing flowers on her head; all I can figure is that she is as showy as I am. In fact, she used to be a show donkey, performing tricks for circus crowds. Unfortunately, in her stubborness, she now refuses to move any other way than circular unless she wants to. Nevermind. We'll go when she's ready, and we'll get there when we're supposed to. My life always works in a funny way like this.
I have my travel bag on my hip, filled with what Le Enchanteur gave me, plus my stash. I have what I need and only a few things more, as I always pick things up along the way.
As Roselea makes a round, I pass the door I just came through. I look at the land around me- lush and green with moss and leaves. There is a path through the trees, but it too is grown green with moss. I don't know where everyone else is, but I can hear them in the distance. Roselea can too; her ears prick up with a keeness.
I dig around in my bag for the map Le Enchanteur gave me. Hmmm.. I turn it round and round, trying to acclimate myself. Roselea walks round and round, in an obvious effort to confuse me more. Finally I locate the door I came through, right the map and start looking for Blind Springs, which is where I am supposed to be. At the other end of the section I have unfolded is the Cave of the Ancients, our next destination. But how to get there?
I bounce along- around- on Roselea, thinking. She turns her head to me and sees the map, sees the symbol for Blind Springs. Suddenly, she is straight. I am not curving inward in the circle ride. She heads towards the path of the green, green forest. And I let her, because she seems to know something. And I sure as hell don't.
This is just delightful Kim. That Roselea is not the total buffoon she might appear to be - which I figure you realise. What an amazing image. It is incredibly inviting.
Never underestimate a donkey. The Secretary
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