Departing Words

Departing Words
"Well," I said, as a climbed aboard the big grey horse I had acquired for my travels through Lemuria. "I guess it's time to be off. Giddyapp!"
The animal stood there, unmoving.
"C'Mon, girl, let's move!" I gave her a goad with my heels.
"Ouch! What's with the spurs?" rumbled a deep voice.
I froze in my saddle.
"And who are you calling 'girl'? My name is Sweet Albert."
"Excuse me, but did you just say something? " I asked as I leaned forward. Albert's massive head swung around and he glared at me.
"Yes, I did. Do you see anyone else around?"
"Um, no, but, gee, well......"
"Well, what?"
"You're a horse."
Albert shook his mane and snorted. "Great. They've given me a real smart one."
"But.... you talk....."
"Stop, you're overwhelming me with you mighty powers of observation! Of course, I can talk. All animals can talk if you just stop and listen to them. Except mice.... wretched little beasts......always underfoot...."
"Um, okay. You can talk. I apologize for being a dolt. Someone should have warned me I was getting Mr. Ed as a partner on this trip."
"Uncle Ed? You know my Uncle Ed? "
"Nevermind. We need to get going."
"No. You aren't ready to leave yet. You need to leave it."
"Leave what?" I asked nervously, shifting in my saddle.
"You know what."
"Um, I beg to differ."
Suddenly, Sweet Albert gave a soft buck with his hind quarters and I went sprawling on the ground. My saddle bag flopped open and the contents went flying as well.
A small box landed in front of me.
"That. Leave it."
"Oh.... ha.... yes, how could I forget to leave that." I slowly picked up the Surrender Box.
"You thought you could take that with you? All those memories of bad relationships-- the one's you keep repeating in you mind-- those vile conversations that you rehearse over and over-- all those angry thoughts you keep mulling over in your heart. Too heavy. Not even I can carry those on this trip."
I felt my face blush with shame.
Albert turned his head towards me and softly said, "No need for that, sweet cheeks.... you need to forgive yourself as much as you need to forgive them. Now get up and put that box away..... that's it, inside the arch. I understand it will be taken to the moon and left there."
I placed the box as he directed and brushed a tear from my face.
"Now, now, let's get away from here." Albert nuzzled me gently with his soft nose. "The sun is rising high and those flies are such a bother when it gets along in the day. Up you go."
I mounted Sweet Albert and with a gentle trot, we were on the way.
Lori Gloyd (c) May 15, 2006
Loved the energy and humour in this writing and I look forward to the continuing saga of your journey with Alice -a horse with attitude.
Thanks for brightening a dull evening
ahhh, so funny I laughed out loud. Maybe Alice could join Patience and Eeyore - a bit of laughter won't hurt i'm sure
What is it with all these animals and their attitude? I think we need a little discipline around here. LOL. What fabulous, refreshing fun.
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