The Serpentine Road Calls
Anon! I come with satchel and spade
Reins in hand, astride my humble steed
I feel I have left something important behind
Methinks ….
Yes, it is… something that has held me back
For far too long…
Encapsulated in a wrung out skin called
It is only important because now I am left
Unencumbered by shedding the skin
Of burdens it enshrouded me with
The leaving has left me Free
Ah! The new country ahead
Promises discoveries
I am of the plant world knowing
Collector of herbs and maker of medicines
Speaking the language of green things and lofty trees
All is well.
I ride free now
Stella Raye
I can see your shiny, pink, new skin glowing! Wonderful to shed fear. I may have to get rid of some myself.
Thank you, Blueridgegirl. I have a hard time letting go of comfort zones so I know this trip will be good for me. Though 'fear' by its very definition cannot be comforting, remaining stuck and not advancing because of it can be 'safe' in many ways. Luckily for me, Heather and you are all here to make sure I don't turn back. My gratitude.
How powerful.
I am very relieved to know that we have someone who understands herbs and makes medicines here with us in this new world of the Serpentine road. Rigidity is a good thing to release Stella.
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