Interior Cartography #1

Interior Cartography #1
Night has fallen, and I am sitting alone next to a campfire eating some of cookies given to me by another traveler. After a fine lunch along the road with some of my colleagues, I decided to continue ahead on my own because I wanted some time to myself. Here, in the night, with only the sound of the popping firewood and the breeze rustling through the foliage, I spread out my scrolls in front of me. Sweet Albert stood nearby, dozing, his saddle and tack resting on a stump.
A while later, Albert's sonorous voice broke through my concentration. "Is that a map of Lemuria?"
"Yes," I said tersely, not wanting to engage in conversation. Several more moments passed in silence.
"That's not a very good map," he said.
Not at all astonished that Albert could read as well as speak, I said "I know."
"You need re-draw it."
"Yes, Albert, I know..."
"You should mark descansos on it."
"Albert! I know what I have to do."
"Then do it."
"I know," I sighed, as I put another descanso cross on my map.
Another moment passed.
"Can I have a cookie?"
I gave him the entire bag.
Image and text: Lori Gloyd (c) May 17, 2006
I love your mysterious map - and Albert!
take no notice of that last `word' i was trying to put the word verification in.
No worries...I thought you had sneezed.... ;)
You and Albert are a delight together Lori. A match made in heaven?
Y'know, Albert does bear a resemblence to someone I know (and just as annoying) I may have to eventually dump poor Albert if he doesn't lighten up. :)
...which is exactly why I haven't dump Albert's inspiration yet either! :)
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