Patience and Sox
"She's gone!"
The donkey and the dog looked at each other in alarm.
"You don;t think........?"
Patience looked out to sea where a ship was disappearing into the distance. Sox nodded.
"Just like that. Who'd have thought it?"
The two animals stood, folornly, surveying what had been their campsite.
"S'psose this is the end of our quest."
Patience let her head droop a little, and Sox licked the tear that had fallen down the donkey's muzzle. The animals stood until the ship had completely vanished and turned into the forest.
"Where now?" asked Sox, breathelessly returning from chasing a squirrel. The donkey did not reply but continued to plod miserably onwards. They made slow progress, the woods seemed to grow thicker and thicker around them, and several times they had to turn back and retrace their steps to regain the path.
Several hours later, a raven flew overhead and called out to them to follow him. He would help them find food and water. Never have a donkey and a dog been more grateful to see a raven. Patience brayed with delight and Sox ran around, chasing her tail in joy.
The two animals came into a clearing where another donkey was having ....bagels???
"Evening," muttered the donkey, spitting crumbs in their direction.
"Oh good evening," said Patience, politely.
"Don't stand on ceremony," said the strange donkey, " there are bagels enough for everyone so go and help yourself."
When Patience and Sox had eaten enough, they turned to the donkey they had just met.
"I'm Albert," he told them. "You two are far too well behaved and polite. Your lady has gone on a ship to learn to listen ......Follow me but don;t get too close in case there are rules about two donkeys to a human. If you come with me we'll get where we're going.."
"Which is where?" asked Patience politely
"Going going....going walkies," shouted Sox, rushing around excitedly.
"Mind your own business madam."
Albert ambled off and Patience and Sox followed but at a distance. They were safe. They would find their beloved mistress again. And - she would know what they were talking about. Perfect. Or was it????
How lovely to read about what happens to our donkeys when we take off on these mad adventures with Anita Marie and Le Enchanteur.
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