Beginning the Journey at Last

I've left behind the skins of my old self
Because how else will I grow?
I step through the doorway to a world far removed from the stage I'd just performed on
I look back at the past selves I have shed, am trying to shed, am trying to leave behind in the surrender box
No doubt some fear, procrastination, dissatisfaction, inferiority complex and depression will follow me wherever I travel
But luckily I can shed as many times as I need to
I'm armed and ready for my journey
As the others are too
We all have our maps and special bags packed with things to help us along the way
Bless the woman who is le Enchanteur, our guide, our motivator and the ignition to our creative fires
I adjust the straps on my bags and smooth my skirt
I check the soles of my boots and estimate that they should last until I reach the House of the Serpent
I spy a strange looking animal watching me from the bushes
And my old self would have been afraid
But I'd been told that this might happen and so I strode confidently up to the beast
She looked at me with wary eyes
As I examined her I couldn't figure out whether I was supposed to climb onto her back or take her reigns
I didn't even know what creature she might be
Something between a horse, a hippopotamus and a bird (wings only)
I started walking along the Serpentine Road
Realising that I was alone with this creature because I'd dawdled (again)
I turned to look at her and she seemed to know what I wanted
She soon caught up and walked beside me, snorting softly and clip clopping at a leisurely pace
I sensed we'd be good travelling companions
I'm glad to see you are on your way and look forward to meeting you and your strange animal somewhere along the road.
Travel safely.
Take the journey and love every minute!
It takes courage to step out alone onto the Serpentine Road, but you will be changed for the better for having taken that first stap. We all will....
When you dawdle along you often see things others have missed in their haste to reach the destination. I know I have a habit of missing things as I charge off - like this lovely creature you met. Sniff! Bravo Stacey!
AH, the lovely creatures of Soul Food, did you catch her name, by chance?
May your boots last a long time and your strange steed take you far
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