Leave It At The Door Please!
I can think of something I'd like to surrender at the doorway, I'd like to leave my worst enemy behind...I'd like to ditch that little voice that asks me 'why'
Why don't I step out of the shadows into the sunlight? Why don't I polish up my dark thoughts and walk away with bright shiny thoughts? Why don't I write carefully crafted and edited works of fiction with deep meaning instead of grabbing the first crayon I can put my hands on so that I can scrawl my simple, basic stories all over the walls?
That little word, that little voice makes me doubt myself, it makes me think less of my work which may look like verbal vomit to some but means a lot to me. That little word is a killer and I would love to leave it behind.
All I can do is try, and you know I think this time I can do it so here I come down the Serpentine Road...

Anita Marie! Do you really think your work is verbal vomit? I can tell you truly, sincerely, honestly, that the little bit that I've read here in the last month is very, very GOOD-- the word OUTSTANDING leaps to mind. If you don't leave those thoughts in the surrender box, I'm gonna grab 'em from you personally and dump them in there myself. So there. :)
Lori (who never likes to see people underestimate themselves).
You won't believe this, but a teacher ( he was an English teacher I had when I was about 13) called my stories " Verbal Vomit". Though he softened the blow by telling me I had talent though it appeared to be misdirected.
He said all I had to do was FOCUS.
So, I took his advice, focused my energy and egged his car...FOCUS.
And thanks so much Lori, its only because of the friends and support I've gotten here at the Cafe from people like you that any of my stories have been written.
I hope if you ever need someone to walk along those dark trails with ( that we both are drawn too...) you'll call on me...
Anita Marie
Which is exactly why I'm here too. Some of my own best friends think my stuff is of a crapulent quality. Of course, being friends I can't egg their cars.......
Anita Marie? This is just stunning. Leave that carping voice and it will be gone... poof! No more!
And, I could throttle all those ruddy English teachers that give the profession a bad name. Don't get me up on my soap box girls or we will never make it to the House of the Serpents, let alone the Cave of the Ancients.
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