Shedding Expectations

I am appalled each day,
close to whimpering in the night,
at the gap ‘tween what people should be
and what they seem to care about and value.
A high school diploma should mean
a knowledge of third grade math –
ability to pen a cogent paragraph –
and find their home town on a map;
but the only thing they know
is that they have a ‘right’ to higher education
at my expense.
Application for a job and career
should mean an intention to actually work –
and be in your seat on time –
shunning personal calls and Internet diversions;
but the only thing offered
is demands for benefits and auto-raises
not linked to performance.
A statement of organized religious affiliation
should mean you fervently wish
to be measured ‘gainst those standards,
while acting as model/witness to divinity;
but the only thing observed
is a desire to control and meddle in my life,
with no accountability at all.
Sigh! – I could go on …
but I will accept that the problem
is only my expectations –
surly at fault –
and I will let them slough away
and come to expect nothing,
nothing at all.
I have made it a habit to let expectations slough away faucon. It is quite liberating really and I don't feel the disappointment to the same extent.
Exactly, Faucon - ``be the change you wish to see in the world".
Quite so, faucon. Easy to say, "Everyone else is doing it," as we did when we were children. Our parents didn't let us get away with it then and we shouldn't let ourselves get away with it now.
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