The Serpentine Road
The Serpentine Road is a mysterious road that leads to the House of the Serpents and joins the Soul Food Silk Road, a route which has become popular with travellers from around the world.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I walk down into the valley
with the Abbey grounds distinct,
and ripples of welcome
from Cher-Lynne
reaching out.
but downhill needs special attention,
and most accidents occur
close to home ...
but I can muse --
The Cloak
There is a mantle in the hall,
next to the sword I must foreswear –
but they are perceived the same
by those who live by obfuscation,
or instill confusion for delight,
or submit to fear.
It is noticeably of no worth,
of simple weave and colors sparse –
but hung loose and without guile
it will stop any arrow or blade
with naught but faith in silent breeze,
and integrity.
It is heavy though and itches,
and not meant to be worn forever –
yet its presence and shadow
is of and betwixt my being,
and it ripples with Currents strong,
and eternity.
There is a mantle in the hall,
next to the sword I must foreswear –
but they are perceived the same
by those who live by obfuscation,
or instill confusion for delight,
or submit to fear.
It is noticeably of no worth,
of simple weave and colors sparse –
but hung loose and without guile
it will stop any arrow or blade
with naught but faith in silent breeze,
and integrity.
It is heavy though and itches,
and not meant to be worn forever –
yet its presence and shadow
is of and betwixt my being,
and it ripples with Currents strong,
and eternity.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Beginning the Journey at Last

I've left behind the skins of my old self
Because how else will I grow?
I step through the doorway to a world far removed from the stage I'd just performed on
I look back at the past selves I have shed, am trying to shed, am trying to leave behind in the surrender box
No doubt some fear, procrastination, dissatisfaction, inferiority complex and depression will follow me wherever I travel
But luckily I can shed as many times as I need to
I'm armed and ready for my journey
As the others are too
We all have our maps and special bags packed with things to help us along the way
Bless the woman who is le Enchanteur, our guide, our motivator and the ignition to our creative fires
I adjust the straps on my bags and smooth my skirt
I check the soles of my boots and estimate that they should last until I reach the House of the Serpent
I spy a strange looking animal watching me from the bushes
And my old self would have been afraid
But I'd been told that this might happen and so I strode confidently up to the beast
She looked at me with wary eyes
As I examined her I couldn't figure out whether I was supposed to climb onto her back or take her reigns
I didn't even know what creature she might be
Something between a horse, a hippopotamus and a bird (wings only)
I started walking along the Serpentine Road
Realising that I was alone with this creature because I'd dawdled (again)
I turned to look at her and she seemed to know what I wanted
She soon caught up and walked beside me, snorting softly and clip clopping at a leisurely pace
I sensed we'd be good travelling companions
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Impassible -4
I have reached the crest,
and am decending into the valley,
no less dangerous ..
heel set, weight back ...
Walk in the rain – slowly;
cadence set by spirit balance
and the song you are now singing,
or listening to,
or crafting.
Savor each drop – slowly;
trace rivulets from uncapped brow
to cheek and chin and yearning breast,
or trembling heart,
or chakras.
Join with the flow – slowly;
as some measure of your presence
sloughs away to dribble unseen
but remembered –
A flower will grow – slowly;
nourished by your chance passing
that diverted life to one seed alone,
a soft imprint
Monday, June 12, 2006
Brother Tree
I am far from confluence of roads,
those well trod and those less traveled,
and am one with the forest draw and close.
I cannot get lost nor circle about
for home calls to me – and the space at your side;
and the trees understand and will protect me.
The rains came – a squall at sea – but here?
In the meadow I would have fallen
to prayerless knees and muddied despair;
but I stand instead against a brother tree,
embraced and enfolded as if in your arms
to listen to the songs and breath on now.
And of now, there is a debt to pay
as basic as my sense of self and one.
I dance naked beneath the giggling branches
as they release the gift rain in kindness,
giving me in simple measure by right
the fine blessings I could not bear alone.
and so it is with your love, little one –
that which I cannot embrace though folly
you will then shower on me in baby kisses
and thoughts of deep roots and shadow boughs,
that I might have it all – and live again –
but it’s just a tree, and you so far away.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
If I had stayed on the road I would never have found it; but the rutted byway was more mud than friendly, so I followed game trails over the ridge. A side path, useless for animal wiles let to a rocky wind-promontory only a slight drift from my inclination. Someone had fixed iron staples into the granite to form a ladder of sorts – curious, as this spot held no grand view nor watch of the road below. I chose to climb.
The top held a cleft protected from the gusting winds that could roll stones uphill. Therein had been constructed a stone bench from which one could see only a single mountain peak to the East – nothing spectacular save a curious saddle like depression at the summit. I closed my eyes and reached out – and in and asked the chiseled stone for answers as there were no trees about. I learned that I must return at dawn. This cut my day short, but gave time for fishing below and a fine watching of owls after sunset, and a soft bed of fir tips and a most persistent frog.
The cold and unforgiving seat was meant for someone of less girth than I, and shorter too methinks, but strangely comforting – like sitting in the palm of a giant hand. The silence was absorbing and the morning mist content in the valley below. And the sun rose! It ascended majestically behind the saddle peak, nestled there and seemed to pause a bit -- but then time was suspended, or moved backwards a knock. I did not breathe at any rate! Down the mountain face were veins of quartz or other crystals – unseen in any lesser view. Each now captured a single ray of GodShine and bent it to its will. Rainbow flashes like trout in a brook – lightning dazzles of searing brilliance – twinkling fireflies like sequins on a Goddess veil. Some flashes seemed to join and form globes of iridescent dance in the air – pulsing ebbs of wonder – bubbles from a spring of EverLight. I sensed sparks scattering from a gigantic hammer striking an anvil, and yearned for the sound – the ringing chimes and jeweled notes. Then gone!
Oh, why am I here and now? Who built this perch – who else knows? Why is there but a single thought in my mind as I walk the lonely trails? –
“As this is made, so then are thee!”